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Posts Tagged ‘sabancı university elt conference’
TweetChat – For the very first time

I felt so excited when I received Sharon Turner’s e-mail inviting me to #ECLPSCHAT on Twitter. Sharon from Sabancı University was congratulating me for the Silver Award I received on ELT Blogathon 2011 and she was asking if I was interested in taking part in the virtual conference platform of Sabancı University to tell about 28 day experience of blogging during the competition.

My answer was of course ‘Yes’. As a person who has never experienced TweetChat, I was in such a silly panic that I asked Sharon the best (!) questions ever such as ‘Since I have a new account nobody is following me. Do you think that’s a problem?’ and ‘Will it be enough for me to be on Twitter?’. Dearest Sharon answered each question I asked with great patience.  Thanks to her and thanks to God I was ready on time. Actually before time:)

It was so nice to see the announcements on Twitter to remind the chat. When the chat started, all my panic left its place to a sweet joy. I could not understand how quick the time flew by. Nesrin and Solmaz, two other blogathoners, were there as well. Once again we shared and derived great pleasure from that. Here are some notes from the chat:

-          Blogathon was sometimes stressful. Especially the voting process.

-          The team of the British Council leading us was professional and successful.

-          It was a lifetime experience and it changed our lives.

-          The hardest was the word limit (250 words) in each post.

-          The space we were provided was only for the texts without any visuals or videos.

-          The gold award motivated all of us at first but later we focused on blogging itself.

-          Comments and supports from the other blogathoners kept us alive during 28 days of the competition.

-          Many of us have personal blogs now and that seems to be the real award.

Thanks to Sabancı University School of Languages for giving us an opportunity to share our experience. Starting a virtual conference platform is such a great idea that I want to congratulate the Conference Committee. I’m looking forward to the 2nd International Conference on Language Education of Sabancı University in June.

Welcome to my place!

Dear Colleagues,

Dear Student Teachers,

Dear Students,

Dear Friends and Dear Others:)

Welcome to my blog! It’s a privilege for me to host you in here. I hope you will like my posts and share your thoughts and feelings.

I’m so excited about my blog. I just can’t wait to be in touch with my readers. Because of this, I’ve been wandering around with a grinning face as if someone is about to take my photo here and there. You know when someone is ready to take your photo you are expected to say ‘cheese’ and when you do that your face mostly changes into a grinning MSN Smiley. That’s the expression on my face nowadays.

My blogging story has begun with the inspiring competition the British Council opened in February. I should admit that ‘ELT Blogathon 2011’ has encouraged many of the competitors to open their personal blogs. Many thanks to the British Council for the opportunity it offered. The gold award (being sent to the 45th IATEFL Conference in Brighton) attracted most of us, sharing with other fellow bloggers charged our energy and precious guest bloggers supported us with their posts and comments. That was a unique experience for me. I enjoyed reading the posts, writing and sharing.

When I learnt about the Silver Award I received, I felt so happy. I will have a free entrance for Sabancı University ELT conference. I’m looking forward to taking place at the conference.

I believe the inspiration I gained is another award of the competition. I hope I can manage to keep you stay tuned. I am sure we will colour up our lives and shine our lights by sharing.

Remember! The more you share to more you grow knowledge.