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As a language teacher, I use L1 (native language) in the classroom...

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Category: ELT Blogathon 2011

I stepped into the blogosphere by joining in “Blogathon 2011” that took place on the TeachingEnglish website. Being involved in a blog marathon has been one of the best moves in my professional development. It was my first blogging experience, but I was so lucky to have met so many great colleagues ready to swap ideas [...]


I’ve put on my marathon t-shirt (number 120) again and started running at the blog marathon. Feeling very excited and full of energy, I’m trying to reach the finish line. The Blogathon has been a lot to me so far. As one of the silver award winners of last year I opened the doors of [...]


There are a lot of endings. Happy endings, sad endings, twist endings, ruined endings, surprised endings and so on. Endings and beginnings are like matryoshka dolls. One closes the other and one opens the other. Then each beginning is an ending and each ending is a beginning. Blogathon has been a marathon start for me. [...]


“We have a mind. We have feelings. To separate the two is to deny all that we are. To integrate the two is to help us realise what we might be.” George Isaac Brown says. “When learning a foreign language, feelings of uncertainty, and even fear often develop in the learner. It is clear that [...]


This is a little quiz to have an idea about your students’ brain dominances. The test was given by Gulfem Aslan, a teacher trainer,  at a seminar in British Council in 1999. Thanks to her. 1. Are you better at recognizing and remembering names or faces? Choose one: Names                         Faces 2 .Are you an organized individual [...]